The skin is the largest organ in the human body and has links to all the internal organs. Often, it is in bad, to be published abroad. Not only that, but our skin is constantly under attack by microbes, bacteria, viruses, fungi and insects. Everyone wants a good looking skin, so here are my ten tips for skin care for beautiful healthy skin.
1] Find out what your skin type is. If you are not sure it's worth seeing a skin specialist just to know, because the vast majority of skin care products for skin type. A lump sum payment to discover some can save you a lifetime of buying the wrong cream.
2] drink about two liters (three and a half liters) of water per day. The water washes toxins from the body of toxins or poisons, and no doubt better than to drink plenty of water, to help in health, which should be reflected outside.
3] Wash your skin at least once and preferably twice a day. It may be more a function of their profession and the weather. The shower is essential when you go home at day's end, while pollution of the day, dirt and dust do not have all night to squirm in your pores. Hot and cold water are not particularly good for the skin, as warm water and mild soap are best.
4] Do not use many chemicals on the skin. Exfoliate, but do not rub hard, and not every day, try a couple of homemade skin care products and see if they have the desired result for you.
5] Do not let the skin dry. Dry skin is more suited to break down and allow bacteria to enter Rub moisturizer once a day after showering when skin is still damp.
6] Use only mild, unscented soap. Some recommend not to use soap on your face at all, but a mild soap containing a moisturizer should be in order.
7] Protect your skin from the negative effects of UV rays. Ultraviolet light is not healthy for the skin and is also a major cause of cancer. Some moisturizers contain a mild form of sun protection, so you can apply one of these before you leave each time.
8], exercise and sleep as much as possible. Exercise is good for the whole body including the skin and internal organs. Exercises to stretch the skin in this way and that, keeping it taut, eliminating wrinkles and sagging. Sleep is important for the mind and allows the muscles and skin to relax properly.
9] Be careful with skin problems such as acne or dermatitis. If you do not know, ask for advice, because you can do more harm than good.
10] Reduce your stress when you have the chance. Take time to pamper yourself - take a bubble bath, a massage or sauna. Relax and watch a movie or read a book in the garden.
These ten skin care tips will help keep your skin beautiful, but true skin care requires a holistic approach to health - take care of yourself and your skin will look good naturally.
1] Find out what your skin type is. If you are not sure it's worth seeing a skin specialist just to know, because the vast majority of skin care products for skin type. A lump sum payment to discover some can save you a lifetime of buying the wrong cream.
2] drink about two liters (three and a half liters) of water per day. The water washes toxins from the body of toxins or poisons, and no doubt better than to drink plenty of water, to help in health, which should be reflected outside.
3] Wash your skin at least once and preferably twice a day. It may be more a function of their profession and the weather. The shower is essential when you go home at day's end, while pollution of the day, dirt and dust do not have all night to squirm in your pores. Hot and cold water are not particularly good for the skin, as warm water and mild soap are best.
4] Do not use many chemicals on the skin. Exfoliate, but do not rub hard, and not every day, try a couple of homemade skin care products and see if they have the desired result for you.
5] Do not let the skin dry. Dry skin is more suited to break down and allow bacteria to enter Rub moisturizer once a day after showering when skin is still damp.
6] Use only mild, unscented soap. Some recommend not to use soap on your face at all, but a mild soap containing a moisturizer should be in order.
7] Protect your skin from the negative effects of UV rays. Ultraviolet light is not healthy for the skin and is also a major cause of cancer. Some moisturizers contain a mild form of sun protection, so you can apply one of these before you leave each time.
8], exercise and sleep as much as possible. Exercise is good for the whole body including the skin and internal organs. Exercises to stretch the skin in this way and that, keeping it taut, eliminating wrinkles and sagging. Sleep is important for the mind and allows the muscles and skin to relax properly.
9] Be careful with skin problems such as acne or dermatitis. If you do not know, ask for advice, because you can do more harm than good.
10] Reduce your stress when you have the chance. Take time to pamper yourself - take a bubble bath, a massage or sauna. Relax and watch a movie or read a book in the garden.
These ten skin care tips will help keep your skin beautiful, but true skin care requires a holistic approach to health - take care of yourself and your skin will look good naturally.
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