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Practical Measures To Know Your Skin Type

1. Wash your face

Wash your face with mild soap and dry. Give your skin a fresh start by cleansing and cleaning away oil and dirt that have accumulated during your day.

A second difficult task, wait an hour

It is very important for your skin back to its natural state, so do not touch your face and wait an hour. Read a history book, a romance novel or a movie, but do not engage in an activity that can affect your skin again.

3rd Dab your face with a piece of cloth separated

Print on a sheet of tissue from each area of ​​the face like the chin, center of cheeks, outer cheeks, in the middle of the forehead, nose and external front. Pay attention to the T-zone (an area that is located in the middle of, front nose, chin and cheeks in the middle)

4. Understanding your skin type

This practice will help in determining the four main types of knowledge, normal skin, oily, dry or mixed.

1. Examine each tissue and look oily residue or residues of flaky skin, normal skin shows no oil and flaking skin. It should feel soft and smooth. If yes, you're lucky. It will cost you a pleasure;)

2. Oil on each tissue indicates a type of oily skin is also common for a person with oily skin pores and shine.

3. Residues of desquamation in all tissues, with no oily residue or tightness in the type of skin has dry skin.

4. If the skin is oily in the T zone and normal to dry, by the way, indicating a type of combination skin.

Best knowledge

* Remember that there are many factors that influence skin type, such as time, emotions, hormones and stress, and this causes the skin type to be in constant fluctuation.
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