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Shenae Grimes Rib Tattoo and Others

Shenae has a tattoo that says "Myself & I" on the right side of her ribcage.
She got Japanese characters on her right wrist that mean "Keep Calm," and she explained why:
'Keep calm’ was an important lesson that I learned from the beautiful Japanese culture during my terrifying experience in Tokyo a couple of months ago. It’s one that I’ve always struggled with as a naturally anxious person leading a chaotic life growing up in the entertainment industry. Life happens hard and fast in this business and it’s not always easy to deal with but if I remember to channel the calm and resilient demeanor of the Japanese people and remember the scary moments I overcame while over there, I remember that I can get through anything just fine. You just have to keep calm in those moments to handle them as best as possible because they too shall pass. So keep calm and carry on kidlets… we should all try and be a little more like the Japanese when the going gets tough. Not recommending you go out and get a tattoo to remind ya of that as well but feel free to take a look at mine any time you feel yourself getting anxious or panicked over the little things! haha :)
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