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Showing posts with label Women Pregnant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women Pregnant. Show all posts

Second Trimester

Second trimester pregnancy

During the second trimester of pregnancy, you can observe apparent changes in your body. This is actually the preferred duration of pregnancy is also the auditors of the 13th twenty-fourth week of seven days of pregnancy. During this period many of your nausea or vomiting problems can subside, and you have a sense of well being. Meanwhile, your child will be small and will not compress your abdominal organs and execute a person uncomfortable. Here are some of the typical signs and symptoms throughout the second quarter.

The signs and symptoms during the second trimester of pregnancy

Enlarging Abdomen

Probably the most visible symptoms during this period is better than your belly uterus began to increase in response to your developing baby. You can gain weight and it may be the price associated with two kilograms per month.

Breast augmentation

Progesterone and the actual level of estrogen in the body resulting in the development of mammary glands. At the same time, you can have body fat to accumulate in the chest. Although some of the breast decreases during this period, you can still have breasts.

Changes in the pores and skin

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There may be growth and development of veins purple, red or red on the belly, arms, breasts, thighs and buttocks, which are known as stretch marks. It's really due to the stretching of the skin feels irritated too. Use moisturizers on the skin and pores. The increase in skin blood flow resulting in the darkest places in the development of skin pores and as the collection that operates through the navel to the pubic bone.

Braxton Hicks Contractions

Your uterus itself may begin to warm with very mild contractions known as Braxton Hicks contraction. You really could feel tightness in the abdomen and groin and may come and go. If you experience more discomfort and contractions tend to be normal and then with your doctor.

Leg cramps

My uterus can be an expert in more stress you feel the blood vessels in the legs and leg cramps.


Due to hormonal changes increase your arteries and your blood volume is not enough to fill it, then you have low blood pressure and dizziness. So drink plenty of fluids to solve this problem.

Genital Press

There may be a thick white genitals and release the citrus press support real defense against bacteria and Candida.


Another third are in a quiet area, with its fall worries of losing a child is not born yet and you feel happy and excited when the baby began to move. You can still get through the child, the pain of labor, delivery, etc.

Where Can I Find Home Remedies To Get Pregnant?

Apart from education and a good source of income, women also want to be mothers and wives. Although there are women who want to stay single forever and have a disdain for marriage, which is about 80% of women still prefer to have a family of their own, especially to children. But a baby is not so easy to imagine for some people. In fact, even when a woman was sexually productive or have a stable sexual partner, there is no promise that it will develop.

300x187 1247198c pregnancy test Where I can find home remedies to get pregnant? It is good that any woman can get help with home remedies to get pregnant get pregnant to make it faster. Although some experts believe that these treatments are not completely reliable, there have been many accounts who have tried these solutions to be true. However, remember that all functions of the female body and reacts differently. Since women have different bodies, their bodies also react differently to drugs and other stimuli. But for your own peace of mind, go to the doctor for more information on home remedies for pregnancy to check the most appropriate for you.

The first thing you should do if you plan to become pregnant is to improve your nutrition. You must be sure that your body is one hundred percent fit to carry a baby, you should be as healthy and as fit as much as possible. Be in good health and improves fertility of a woman, and to ensure that the body and are able to provide the necessary nutrients to the fetus in its development.

Immediately to design the most vitamins to get vitamin C, calcium, iron and vitamin E. Consult your doctor if you have a failure of either of these vitamins. In most cases, doctors give multivitamins mostly positive for mothers that includes other nutrients the body needs to build organs and improve the immunity characteristics of full scale.

Excess weight makes it difficult to get the child. This is why you need to stay healthy in addition to food. Another factor that creates the thing for women who want to get pregnant is stressful and that's why you should make sure to stay calm and relaxed during the entire pregnancy. You can belong to more classes and functions that will help you stay calm and keep you focused, such as meditation and yoga.

But among all the home remedies to get pregnant, most importantly, when you have sex with your partner. It is often believed that the couple should have sex at least three times a week, but in reality this is not how often you do, but if it is in time with the woman's fertility cycle.

It is important that you know if they are fertile, because that is where the eggs are ready for the penetration of sperm. This is the reason why you should plan your fertile period. While you can do this, you need a predictor kit ovulation and chart your basal body temperature to find the right time to have sex. There is plenty of advice on the design to verify today.

Pregnancy Morning Sickness Causes And Treatments

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of unwanted pregnancy. Morning sickness is usually the first trimester of pregnancy. Fortunately it's sickening feeling that the procedure takes place from the first part of pregnancy go away by themselves by how little you are in your seventh week of pregnancy. In a small proportion of pregnant women, nausea over the past, and rarely walking on all that in pregnancy.

Morning sickness caused

Hormonal changes, that the person to sweat during pregnancy, you can start badly. Market value excess of the hormone estrogen during pregnancy and is said to be responsible for their condition. The aversion to food could increase depending on the disease at night. Food aroma guaranteed aggravate your nausea. Sometimes a strong emotional concern for the entire pregnancy may aggravate nausea and justify the length of the outside 16 weeks of pregnancy. Although the disorder, the disease is not a bad afternoon in the vitality of the developing fetus. Fatigue should be a lot of nausea hidden.

Pregnancy Nausea Remedies

Cause discomfort to affect disease in the afternoon, take enough rest. Although the sensation of nausea more often than not more tomorrow, then you wake up out of bed, a good sleep at night should issue out of it less severe. Do not make your bed right when you wake up in the morning. Instead lawfully on the bed, nibbling a biscuit or dried fruit, and when he does get out of bed.

Do not hold on an empty stomach for a long time. And 'pathetic meals and snacks at various times a day. He wants to sleep the night before, the experience of high-protein snack. You can skip the effort not to lose a hair short of power. Get rid of your nausea, you can take supplements of vitamin B6. This sour citrus fruit, pickles, and are able to influence nausea. Ginger is an exceptionally useful in the treatment of the disease in the afternoon.

Chewing a slice ginger recent or ginger tea or drink ginger ale produce you respite from the data of the disease in the evening. One tablespoon of honey mixed in the middle of a tablespoon of cider vinegar to treat nausea. To counteract the evening sickness remedies now try to predict residential structure in bed. Morning sickness can be easily solved by sniffing newly Peel lemon. Peppermint and tea leaves can inhibit disease raspberry Soir.

UK Pregnant Women Get Money For Food

Americans who still fantastise on the status of basic health services, the British government plans to give cash grants of £ 120 (about $ 240) for all pregnant women to purchase fruits and vegetables. This will be displayed along with nutritional advice seven months of gestation. Hmm ... It's certainly good to see something that is given to pregnant women, from outside the lists even more of what to worry about, and even more critical of everything they do. But I wonder all the women to give some food subsidies (which can actually be used for anything) is the best way to help low-income women who are low in greatest need. On the other hand, tend to feel the people tested benefits much more than the universal. Also, I can not help but wonder if 7 months in a little late to start helping. I would like to hear what others think.

Pregnancy Week By Week - Week 15

Maternal Changes:

You feel pregnant now, and you may have added about 10 pounds, so your body feels heavy.

Development of the fetus:

A small boy is about 4 inches long and weighs a few ounces. His legs are getting longer, and his bones are getting stronger every day. It 'also a fuzzy ball, and was developed as a coating called downy fluff it loses about 7 months. This is believed to act as an insulator. Children water, it is reported to the smell of swimming anything the mother eats, the smell of the amniotic fluid of women are probably parts of the Indian curry. This is obviously not a problem, because the ball Mr.Fuzz eat curry, even if his parents are Indian. But it just proves that what you eat, you eat the baby, and that vodka you had last night, is also there, and it entered his body, so be careful.

Not about what you eat - eat what you eat.

Father / Othеr significant:

Things run as usual, it is early in the second quarter, then you only have 20 weeks + to get the nursery ready. Just because you do not know what sex your baby is not yet, you can do some prep work and cleaning out of something you do not want in there. It certainly will not be able to help you soon, and will be angry against you if she is not ready when she comes home with your new baby.

Whаt Yου Shουld Eat:

Do you take your folic acid and prenatal vitamins today? I will not stop asking that until the day you deliver, so get used to it.

You may feel better in the second quarter and it is a book recommended below offers recipes that can be tailored to what you eat now. Remember, stay away from raw food and sushi and gourmet products that may contain Listeria potentially dangerous.

Stay hydrated!

Whаt Yου Shουld namely:

Now it's time that you are prone to catching colds and bugs to pick up because your immune system is stretched to the limit. Your nose is already limited because you are pregnant, if a cold is going to be really hard for you. Keep your hands thoroughly and stay away from crowded places where germs gather.

Urinary tract infections are common in pregnant women right now. If you feel pain or burning, lower abdominal pain, frequent need to urinate but nothing comes out and does not know how to pee during pregnancy, these symptoms may accompany nausea and fever, so you can have a URI. If left untreated, it can become a kidney infection, so consult your doctor.

Drink water as much as possible during pregnancy, and who will maintain the flow of urine and reduce the risk of a URI.

Recommended exercises:

Walking, yoga, gentle exercise that gets your heart rate up around 140 bpm. Any discomfort or dizziness, then stop.

Pictures Of Stages Of Pregnancy

Document the progress of the pregnancy of nine months for the pictures is a wonderful idea. The photos will allow you to monitor your health in a systematic way.

There is also an emotional value on this. Photos of pregnancy may be his most precious treasure you want to keep for life. These images will update the good old days of pregnancy. You can also share those memories with your baby when he is old enough to understand all this.

We can start taking pictures of pregnancy as soon as one becomes pregnant and may continue until all nine months. Take pictures of labor and delivery depends on your discretion. One can also have pictures of the ultrasound.

Here, we show pictures of the stages of pregnancy. These graphs of the stages of pregnancy are used to provide information on the different stages of pregnancy a woman has to go. Provides information about the baby's growth and development at every stage of more than nine months. How your baby grows and how big it is at different stages, will help you mentally prepare for the workforce. Just for the love of pleasure and enjoyment, we compared the size of the baby developing the fruit and vegetables.

Whatever the extent or relative size of the different stages of pregnancy show these images are based on an average after studying several pregnant women. If they do not, do not despair because every pregnancy is different. Always stay in touch with your doctor or healthcare provider.

These are the pictures of the stages of pregnancy week. Note that the images of the stages of pregnancy are large and may take some time to load.

9 Weeks Pregnancy

9 weeks pregnant Your baby

During pregnancy, week 9, the child grows up to 30 mm long and grows about 1 cm in length! The baby weighs less than an ounce, but a rapid onset of obesity than continuing pregnancy week by week.

Changes to your growing baby

9 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is difficult to grow organs and limbs. The child is now all, are the primary physical features in place, including the arms, legs, torso and head. 9 weeks pregnant the baby is no longer a small tail. During the nine weeks of pregnancy, the baby organs and muscles are connected to each other and begin to move independently. It is amazing to think how someone so small can move so unique?

At 9 weeks of pregnancy, your baby and fuse the eyelids remain closed until 27 weeks of pregnancy. At about 9 weeks pregnant, your baby will have their sexual organs, however, most point of care providers of health can not tell the difference between a boy or a girl until 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. In nine weeks of pregnancy, your baby's heart will be divided into four rooms, all unique. Your baby has spent most of their days swimming in your home warm and inviting.
Your body is the development

During pregnancy, the uterus at 9 weeks is closer to the size of a melon smaller than a large grapefruit. You can begin to feel even more tired and swollen as you have for the past weeks. Some of the women's ability to retain water, can contribute to weight gain of about 9 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, many women are still in the water because they control the ability to continue pregnancy week by week. The good news is that the weight comes off very quickly when you give birth.
Note that all the water you are retaining the impact of weight gain. You should limit weight sessions once a day (or week) that your weight may increase or decrease to 5 pounds per day (based solely on the retention of water). Some women find that changes very stressful, so it is best not to dwell on if possible.
It begins by asking about 9 weeks of pregnancy, with all the weight is that you get during pregnancy (after all, the baby weighs only 6-8 pounds in most cases!). Pregnancy Weight is distributed throughout the body. For example, usually the woman's uterus to grow 1 pound of weight during pregnancy. Some women 1-3 pounds of breast tissue. The blood volume increases dramatically increased up to four pounds of your total weight gain. Even a child of water for up to 2 kg.
Most women will also be about 7 pounds of body fat during pregnancy. Remember that every pound of fat is to feed and provide the best environment for your child to thrive in. While you do not want to gain 80 pounds if you can avoid is the only time in his life should not be obsessed with weight gain. Keep in mind, a balanced diet and exercise routine, you will be back in the form of their fit and finish, a few months after birth

Changes in your body

9 weeks of pregnancy, you've probably noticed some changes in mood and anxiety. Many of the women alternately elated and feeling anxious or down. This is perfectly normal, because the cries often during pregnancy. Many women find it very cathartic experience. Keep in mind that pregnancy hormones can not account number, which is largely why you feel it up, then down during the day. Try to relax when possible and keep a positive attitude. Take a walk and fresh air to lower mood, and recalls that are ultimately blessed with a beautiful new baby
Fatigue is 9 weeks pregnant

You feel more used than normal? Fatigue is 9 weeks of pregnancy should be expected. During the first trimester, your body is working harder than ever to support the fetus. In addition, hormonal changes, especially growth hormone progesterone, may contribute to the feeling worn out

If you suffer from morning sickness, you probably feel quite tired. Everything from nausea and vomiting can zap your energy. You may also have fatigue if you are worried about your pregnancy, such as stress and anxiety can be quite exhausting.

Tigua is a common symptom of pregnancy in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, but it will slow down and walk in the second quarter. You slowly begin to feel like your old self in a few weeks. The quarter in the middle is often referred to as the "honeymoon" of pregnancy, as many of your early pregnancy symptoms will disappear. Enjoy your renewed energy level in the second quarter. Until then, try to take it easy and try to rest as much as you can.

If you still feel completely exhausted after 14 weeks of pregnancy, or if you're just worried that there is something wrong, do not hesitate to contact your health care provider and discuss your concerns

Pregnancy Week By Week

Pregnancy week by week: What You Need to Know

We all know that pregnancy is the term used to describe the condition of the fetus inside the uterus of the last menstrual period to childbirth. We also know that new life takes place within you and there seems every chance that you or your man when he enters our world. But the question is what exactly is happening in this last period until delivery? How to know if it's normal? How do you know if it is? If you want to know, especially those who are new to this wonderful thing called pregnancy can continue reading and lit

* Week 1 (first quarter)

1 week of pregnancy weeks of pregnancy 300x234 WeekYour last menstrual period has just started and plan to become pregnant. The uterus sheds its lining, and ovulation begins to take place. Ovulation is the key to getting pregnant. It is best to "act pregnant" and try to develop a better, healthy habits. Losing any birth control

Week 2

The uterine lining thickens as ovulation begins to occur. Some women feel pain unilateral mittleschmerz call, which is a symptom of ovulation.

Week 3
You need an egg and his sperm has finally reached your fallopian tubes. Cell division begins immediately

Week 4

A pregnancy test would probably be positive now. Chorionic villus sampling is formed by time. Also the development of a gestational sac that will eventually be replaced by the placenta.

Week 5

Your baby's heart begins to beat. It is now possible to differentiate the head and tail of your baby now.

Week 6

Symptoms such as nausea begins to worsen your breasts begin to enlarge. Your child will grow up to 4-6 mm. The heart begins to swell and other parts of the body begins to develop.

Week 7

Plates of your baby's hand and nose shape. The genital tubercle is present, but it is impossible to know whether a boy or a girl.

* Week 8

You baby is now about 8-11 mm. Elbows begin to appear, and gonad. This may be the best time for you to consult your doctor.

* Week 9

Your baby is now the rays of the elbow and feet. Your baby is now 13-17 mm.

* Week 10

You feel tired and sick now. Its size starts to grow now. Your baby is now 27 to 35 mm and weighs about 4 grams. Form small fingers and eyelids begin to merge. The tail disappears during the week.

* Week 11

During this week, the baby's head would be half the size of the body. This will change as soon as the child grows. The nail also begins to show.

* Week 12

Extreme fatigue and nausea is common during the week. The child now has some of the reflexes and movements of the digestive track. You may be able to hear the baby's heartbeat using the Doppler.

* Week 13 (second quarter)

The teeth will be formed this week your baby weighs 1 ounce. The intestines are beginning to migrate from the umbilical cord in the abdomen.

* Week 14

Your breasts should be expanded now. You'll also developed a line in the middle of your belly to your pubic bone called a linea negra. Meanwhile, your baby starts to urinate into the amniotic fluid. He began practicing the amniotic fluid "breathing" as well.

Week 15 *

Your child will begin to look like he / she is sucking his thumb. The skin is very thin and blood vessels are visible.

Week 16 *

You will begin to feel some movement from your baby now. Your baby's fingernails are now trained and ears have moved from the neck to the head. Although a little earlier, try to use an ultrasound to see if your child is a boy or a girl.

* Week 17

You may experience vaginal discharge now. The baby now weighs about 5 ounces heavier than the placenta.

* Week 18

The bones of your baby will continue to ossification or hardening. Cushion for the fingers and toes are formed and the fingerprints were formed as well.

* Week 19

The baby weighs 8 ounces. Now, it is recommended to be taken seriously as classes become pregnant, they help greatly throughout pregnancy and after childbirth.

* Week 20

Creamy white substance called the fuzz forms to protect your child. The baby now weighs up to 10 oz.

* Week 21

The child will probably be still a child in the water until it is deposited by the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. The child weighs 13 ounces hours.

* Week 22

The baby weighs about 15 grams, and has developed eyebrows. When the increased blood flow and secretions of the vagina and the clitoris, you may feel increased libido. It 'best to talk with your partner about it.

* Week 23

Your baby's fingernails are almost formed. He / she now weighs a little over a pound, and will continue to grow.

* Week 24

Your baby is almost fit as he / she weighs 1 pound and 5 ounces.

* Week 25

The baby's bones continue to harden as he / she gets heavier and ounces to a pound 9.

* Week 26

You will begin to feel the movement much more for a while. Your baby will begin to listen to you and your entourage. Your baby can jump when startled by a sudden noise.

* Week 27

You want to get heavier now, and your baby as he / she weighs 2 pounds.

* Week28 (third quarter)

If your baby is a boy, his testes begin to descend now. Your baby now weighs less than 2 pounds, 4 ounces.

* Week 29

There will be plenty of discomfort on their part so it is best to maintain good posture, nutrition, exercise and rest. The baby's movements will decrease as s / he moved.

* Week 30

If you have Braxton-Hicks, it just means your body is getting ready for work at this time. Your baby now weighs about 3 kilos.

* Week 31

Your abdomen swells as the baby grows. Iris your baby can contract in response to light and the nails have come to the fingertips.

* Week 32

You will have more Braxton-Hicks contractions and you begin to wonder if it is active. Your baby will grow hair and now most of the wrinkles in your baby's face disappear.

* Week 33

To distinguish from the elbow to the knee, at the latest. The child is now the surface, which helps to breathe after birth.

* Week 34

A 4 pounds and 7 ounces, your baby has grown much larger. Active placental hormones in your breast milk. Your body is preparing for her baby.

* Week 35

Your baby's organs are almost fully formed. The brain will also begin to double in size.

* Week 36

Your baby may be in a prone position, now that he / she begins to settle into your pelvis. You will be able to breathe easily now. But perhaps more trips to the bathroom to urinate.

* Week 37

Your baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid and can even get the hiccups.

* Week 38

You can start to feel strange sensations down your legs and inside your vagina as your baby lying in your pelvis.

* Week 39

You will begin to experience working at this time. If you followed during pregnancy and listened attentively, will be able to control it better. Your baby will gain about 1 ounce per day.

* Week 40

The immune system of your child is still immature and receives antibodies from the placenta and breast milk after childbirth. Your child will probably be upside down and snuggled into your pelvis.

* Week 41

Many mothers give birth to the child after their expiry date, so it's perfectly okay, if you passed the expiration date. Make sure you follow a proper growth of the baby, fetal movements and signs of labor.

* Week 42

Vaginal examination may be necessary to check if the cervix is ​​favorable. If not, then it is a caesarean section for you. Remember to count all the kicking child as s / he prepares to go out into the world.

We know that carrying a child and the child's birth is not exactly a walk in the park. It's tough. It's painful. But it is truly memorable. In the time that you want, and gave birth to the most wonderful thing in the world and is a fantastic achievement to be able to do so.
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