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Pregnancy Week By Week - Week 15

Maternal Changes:

You feel pregnant now, and you may have added about 10 pounds, so your body feels heavy.

Development of the fetus:

A small boy is about 4 inches long and weighs a few ounces. His legs are getting longer, and his bones are getting stronger every day. It 'also a fuzzy ball, and was developed as a coating called downy fluff it loses about 7 months. This is believed to act as an insulator. Children water, it is reported to the smell of swimming anything the mother eats, the smell of the amniotic fluid of women are probably parts of the Indian curry. This is obviously not a problem, because the ball Mr.Fuzz eat curry, even if his parents are Indian. But it just proves that what you eat, you eat the baby, and that vodka you had last night, is also there, and it entered his body, so be careful.

Not about what you eat - eat what you eat.

Father / Othеr significant:

Things run as usual, it is early in the second quarter, then you only have 20 weeks + to get the nursery ready. Just because you do not know what sex your baby is not yet, you can do some prep work and cleaning out of something you do not want in there. It certainly will not be able to help you soon, and will be angry against you if she is not ready when she comes home with your new baby.

Whаt Yου Shουld Eat:

Do you take your folic acid and prenatal vitamins today? I will not stop asking that until the day you deliver, so get used to it.

You may feel better in the second quarter and it is a book recommended below offers recipes that can be tailored to what you eat now. Remember, stay away from raw food and sushi and gourmet products that may contain Listeria potentially dangerous.

Stay hydrated!

Whаt Yου Shουld namely:

Now it's time that you are prone to catching colds and bugs to pick up because your immune system is stretched to the limit. Your nose is already limited because you are pregnant, if a cold is going to be really hard for you. Keep your hands thoroughly and stay away from crowded places where germs gather.

Urinary tract infections are common in pregnant women right now. If you feel pain or burning, lower abdominal pain, frequent need to urinate but nothing comes out and does not know how to pee during pregnancy, these symptoms may accompany nausea and fever, so you can have a URI. If left untreated, it can become a kidney infection, so consult your doctor.

Drink water as much as possible during pregnancy, and who will maintain the flow of urine and reduce the risk of a URI.

Recommended exercises:

Walking, yoga, gentle exercise that gets your heart rate up around 140 bpm. Any discomfort or dizziness, then stop.
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